Death of Johnny Hallyday: Hélène Darroze delivers powerful testimonials


The closest friends of Johnny Hallyday were at his side a few hours or days before his death on December 5, 2017 in Marnes-la-Coquette (Hauts-de-Seine). Jean Reno, but also Hélène Darroze, infallible support of Laeticia Hallyday. The famous leader of 51 years, that the televiewers are accustomed to see in the emission Top chef (M6), came back on the death of the Taulier in the documentary Johnny, a year already: a special day aired November 26, 2018 on C8.

Throughout the night, Hélène Darroze stayed with Laetitia. Impossible to let her face this terrible ordeal alone, with her two daughters Jade (14 years old) and Joy (10 years old) who slept upstairs: "I slept with her."Then came the time of the big tribute ceremony to Johnny Hallyday organized at the Madeleine on December 9, 2017. Helene Darroze attended with her two daughters, Charlotte and Quiterie.If thousands of fans have invaded the streets of Paris , that three Presidents of the Republic moved, that the emotion exceeded much more than the simple frame of the capital, Laeticia Hallyday apprehended this particular moment. "I was very worried about Laeticia that day, and she was very scared of that day. She knew it would happen anyway and it was her obsession. She often said to me, 'But how am I going to get there?' Maybe she did not know it would be that big, but she knew it was a moment that would not belong to her", said Hélène Darroze with emotion.

The documentary Johnny, a year already: a special day brought together 500,000 viewers on C8, representing 2.1% of the public.

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