Diego Simeone ignites for his World Champions


With Olympique de Marseille and Paris SG, Atlético de Madrid is the club with the most champions of the 2018 World. A pride for Diego Simeone, coach colchonero, which could be even greater if Antoine Griezmann won the Golden Ball France Football. "It would be an immense honor for Atlético de Madrid and a reward for his work. Because beyond his talent, there is an impressive amount of effort on his part. Intrinsically, we can say that Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are the best players in the world, but in this year 2018, no! It was Antoine who was above everyone else », said El Cholo in the columns of the weekly France Football before adding. "Beyond the winners, the World Cup, the Europa League or the European Supercup, there was no more important footballer for his team".

For the Argentinian, the number 7 of the Blues was the " brain " bruises. A success that is also a bit his. "Antoine played winger and when I put him on the attack, we wanted to kill me! (He smiles.) The club had paid € 30m for a winger (from the Real Sociedad) and I changed the situation. I then explained to my leaders that Griezmann had everything to play second striker: intuitive, good shot, a lot of head, he knows to move between the lines, he feels where he can hurt the opponent. I knew he would like the job. We worked a lot together, especially physically, and we developed all that was good about him "he said. The coach rojiblanco hopes to witness a similar progression for Thomas Lemar, arrived from AS Monaco for 80 M € this summer. "Wow, what a player! "he began, detailing his plans for the Caen trained southpaw.

" On Tue ? Wow, what a player! "

"But Lemar is still in a process where he has to, where we have to work a lot. I challenged him: "You have to convince Deschamps! You have to be a member of the French team! "It's a way to make it progress because, if you do not play with your national team, it's because you miss something. Lemar must understand that football is not only visual, but must be concrete too. It's good to do things that appeal to fans, but first think about what's good for the team. "he said before insisting. "To win in football, you have to be concrete. He knows it and I am convinced that he will succeed. Because he is healthy in his head and he does not get stuffed by his entourage. Lemar will become a much better player than he is today ". A huge sign of confidence.

Simeone's confidence, Lucas Hernandez no longer needs to win. The Madrid coach is literally a fan of his southpaw. "As a central defender, it's a beast. He exudes an impressive physical power. But, above all, he has a competitive mentality of very, very high level. The first time I lined him up in an official match, it was like lateral, in King's Cup, and against Cristiano Ronaldo. I was told: "You are crazy! He's seventeen, you're going to burn his wings! "You're laughing, he was fabulous. An animal. He still has to correct some aspects of his game, but he transmits a vitality, an energy out of the ordinary. (…) When I look at it, I often say to myself: "If I had ten guys with that mentality, I would never lose a match!" "he concluded. Current third Liga, Simeone hopes that his World Champions will ride the wave of the World Cup and help him to win titles this season.

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