Dieudonné cancels his shows after a mayor's decree


Dieudonné, here in May 2017 at a press conference to present his candidacy for parliamentary elections in Essonne. – JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala, several times condemned for racial insults, incitement to hatred or apologize for terrorism, canceled his shows in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), after a decree of the mayor PCF to close the local private where it happened since late October, said Wednesday the town hall.

"I am learning tonight that Dieudonné has canceled performances of his shows in Montreuil," Mayor Patrice Bessac wrote in a statement. "I am pleased that the legal and legal approach we have favored (…) has borne fruit," he adds. The city council had taken a decree of "provisional closure of the premises" on November 15, after a negative opinion to the reception of the public, issued by the city security commission because of a "serious and imminent danger".

"Montreuil is a mixed city, carrying values ​​of mutual respect"

In spite of this municipal decree, the polemicist had at first maintained his show. Noting the non-compliance with this decree, the municipal police had verbalized the operator of the room on November 22. Dozens of people also protested against the show's performance that night. Since October 25, Dieudonné had been performing several nights a week in this room, and planned to continue until mid-December.

"Montreuil is a world and mixed city, carrying values ​​based on mutual respect and fraternity, anti-Semitic remarks that are held in shows Dieudonné have no place," said the mayor.

Since 2002, Dieudonné has been the subject of numerous legal proceedings. In particular, he was sentenced in May 2016 to 2 months suspended sentence and 10,000 euros fine for "racial insult and provocation to hate" because of anti-Semitic remarks in his show "The foul Beast".

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