difficult traffic on the A13 and South 3 – actu.fr


Two snail operations were conducted jointly Wednesday, November 28, 2018 on the South 3 and A13 in the agglomeration of Rouen. The traffic was very slow.

The yellow vests carried out snail operations in the agglo of Rouen (Seine-Maritime), Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at the end of the day.
The yellow vests carried out snail operations in the agglo of Rouen (Seine-Maritime), Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at the end of the day. (© SL / 76actu / Illustration)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018, in addition to traditional filtering on the roundabouts, the yellow jackets led snail operations in the agglomeration of Rouen (Seine-Maritime).

Slowdowns on the South 3

Begun at the end of the afternoon, the operation carried out on the South 3 caused significant slowdowns, Petit-Couronne until the Flaubert bridge in Rouen, from 17h.

Moreover, at the end of the afternoon, traffic was also difficult on the industrial boulevard. Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. Indeed, in addition to the "usual" filtering on the roundabout of the cows, a snail operation was, according to our information, expected on the axis that goes from Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray to Rouen.

#GiletsJaunes at #Rouen : a snail operation is underway on the industrial boulevard. Six vehicles run at 30 km / h and generate a big cork. pic.twitter.com/oIHZsnATgN

– Simon Louvet (@LouvetSimon) November 28, 2018

READ ALSO: In Seine-Maritime, yellow vests verbalized for having conducted a snail operation on the highway

According to our information, the various processions have made their way to the roundabout des Vaches where the ranks of the yellow vests should be reinforced at the end of the day.

The day before, Tuesday, November 27, yellow vests were verbalised for conducting a similar operation in the country of Bray.

• MAP. Follow real-time traffic in Rouen (via Waze):

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