Djordje Kuzmanovic – Sexism: Good riddance!


The decision of one is not related to the conviction of the other but regularly when a feminist resigns its mandate is that a badist is in the place. And when the badist gets fired from his is that the feminist was right on two points: the correctness of his political line and the badism of the dismissed.

It is first the unbearable victory of mediocrity and incompetence against the collective intelligence. Then, after a long, violent process of revelations, censuses and explanations; in the best cases, a realism awakening the consciences prevails over the comradeship and sanctions the culprit.

What courage and stamina for those who dare to bring these accusations! Because the approach of the latter is paid at the unbearable price of denigration, continuous moral harbadment, constant disqualification, contempt, public stigmatization, humiliation organized by the group, insults ("connbade" having his preference), pressures of all kinds. Those, in the plural? Yes, because a single woman in these cases is either the witch or hysterical of service and is simply not heard! So, some have denounced for 5 years the expression of a latent badism of this character, when others downright suspected him of masculinism.

Then this weekend the decision finally fell: " The electoral committee has decided to remove Djordje Kuzmanovic from the list, after he has publicly reiterated remarks that consider feminist and LGBT struggles as secondary, even though they are an integral part of the Future in Common. Words that result in opposing the activists of France insubordinate. He also made badist remarks. "

But frankly, what to expect from the ethos of a little soldier with accomplished virilism that declares feminist and LGBT struggles secondary? What to expect from a voluntary slave of all tropisms of extreme right? What to expect from a madman at the national populism of the dictatorships of the world? A sudden otherness? What joke !

As the racist hierarchy humans; Kuzmanovic the sectarian hierarchizes the struggles. So let's salute the feminists of the IF for this emancipatory and unitary success. Let us meditate on the meaning of their victory: to despise struggles we end up perishing!

What a fierce battle to free the movement of this anachronistic Stalinist zany. Certainly, Mélenchon had publicly disavowed it with this communiqué: "The point of view he expresses on immigration is strictly personal, he engages in polemics that are not mine." Does he tactically take into account his original fraudulent fault? That of having introduced with antagonism the sinister poison of this extreme authoritarian populism in a supposedly horizontal and citizen-inspired movement.

As for Djordje Kuzmanovic, quite independent, he will naturally join the cohort of ultraconservatives neither of left but of right. It fits perfectly into the great fresco of nationalist sovereignists, Islamophobic sects, anti-migrants, racist patriots, lustrous dictators, hate promoters and, of course, uninhibited badists.

Good riddance !

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