Donald Trump threatens to cut "subsidies" to General Motors after announcement of the removal of thousands of jobs


The US president has not been upset since Monday's announcement of the restructuring plan for the first US automaker, which includes plant closures in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland.

He is angry. US President Donald Trump threatened, Tuesday, November 27, "remove all subsidies" at General Motors. The day before, the first car manufacturer in the United States announced a severe weight loss, with thousands of job cuts, to be more competitive in an industry in full revolution.

"Very disappointed by General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra, for the closure of factories in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland, nothing will be closed in Mexico or China", tweeted the president. "The United States has saved General Motors and here are the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS we have! We are looking at the removal of all subsidies, including … for electric cars," he added. "I'm here to protect American workers!"

…. for electric cars. General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built the plants there (and in Mexico) – do not think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect America's Workers!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2018

In total, GM will eliminate 15% of the group's jobs in 2019, by ceasing production at seven sites: one in Oshawa, Canada, four in the United States and two outside North America. By December 2017, the last count available, GM employed 180,000 people worldwide, but the group gave no indication of the exact number of jobs deleted. This shock treatment should allow General Motors to make $ 6 billion in savings by the end of 2020.

Before you post a tweet, Donald Trump announced, as soon as the restructuring plan was announced, to Mary Barra, GM's CEO, that he was "Unhappy". "I was very hard with her," said the president, who has made the preservation of industrial jobs his hobby horse and unleashed trade hostilities with the major trading partners of the United States to preserve them.

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