Driver, former journalist, waitress … Who are the eight spokespersons for "yellow vests"?


A delegation was created Sunday by some demonstrators to propose to the government to "revise down all taxes" and create "a citizen badembly".

They are called Priscillia, Eric, Julien or Thomas. They are members of the "delegation" eight "official communicators" of the movement of "yellow vests", created Sunday, November 25th. Goal : "engage in serious and necessary contact with representatives of the state and its government", according to their first release. With "two main propositions" : "downgrade all taxes" and create "a citizen badembly" to discuss the themes of the ecological transition. Franceinfo has painted a portrait of these eight "yellow vests", which many protesters do not recognize their legitimate representatives.

Priscillia Ludosky, manager of an online cosmetics shop

This manager of an online cosmetics shop, 32 years old and from Savigny-le-Temple (Seine-et-Marne) launched a petition on, signed by nearly a million people, to ask "a drop in fuel prices at the pump". An initiative that dates from the month of maylong before the fuel issue became one of the hottest files on Emmanuel Macron's desk.

"Like everyone else, I took my car and I noticed that the price of my full increase without understanding why, she explained to franceinfo early november. So I did research on the internet and found that two-thirds of the price was due to taxes. It is to denounce that that I launched my petition. " His initiative goes relatively unnoticed, until it is relayed by Eric Drouet.

Eric Drouet, truck driver

This driver in Melun (Seine-et-Marne), 33 years old, is the creator of the Facebook page that called for the national blocking of November 17 to protest the rise in fuels. With a colleague, he regularly plagues the increase in fuels and decides to launch a rally with his motorist badociation, the Muster Crew. "We often had car enthusiast meetings where we drove together. For 17 November, the idea was to organize a road trip on the Paris ring road, but this time to denounce the rise in prices., he reports to franceinfo in early November.

Eric Drouet falls on the petition of Priscillia Ludosky, relayed in an article of The Republic of Seine-et-Marne, and contact the young woman. "We decided to relay his petition on our Facebook group and organize a joint movementSays the driver. Since then, it has snowballed. "Le Parisien relays the initiative on October 21st and all the press titles pick up the news. The Facebook event and the petition explode. The movement of "yellow vests" is born.

Identified as one of the leaders of the movement, Eric Drouet is regularly interviewed by the media. After the first Saturday of mobilization, he creates with Priscillia Ludosky a new Facebook event to call on Paris on Saturday, November 24, reports Release.

Maxime Nicolle, Acting

This inhabitant of Côtes-d'Armor is the administrator of the Facebook page "Fly Rider infos blocking", a "support and information group on the national blocking without duration beginning November 17", which has 49,000 subscribers. He made himself known locally for having called to protest despite the prohibition of the mobilization of 17 November in Dinan, reports France 3 Britain, then to have been invited twice on the set of "Touche pas à mon poste" on C8. Cyril Hanouna then presents him as a "interim in transport" and one "mechanic".

He also regularly posts videos on his Facebook page "Fly Rider", the last to announce that he was a member of the delegation of "yellow vests", and went to the demonstration on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on 24 November. Although he is the only Breton to have joined the parolate, he remains very controversial locally. TheThe local spokesperson for the "yellow vests" in Côtes-d'Armor, Tristan Lozach, accuses Maxime Nicolle: "We know that his nickname on Facebook is Fly Rider but we have never seen him Nobody saw him, we do not want to be represented by him, we reject him completely", he explains to Agence France Presse.

Mathieu Blavier, farmer

Mathieu Blavier, 22, is a law student at the faculty of Aix-en-Provence, according to his Linkedin profile. Based in Miramas (Bouches-du-Rhône), he first obtained a degree in Aeronautics and then worked as a maintenance technician at VSM and at Airbus.

In 2017, he embarked on the production of apple juice to finance his law studies, tells the young man to Provence. He plans to start producing grape juice, apple-grapes and tomatoes, according to a new article (PDF) published in May 2018 in the regional daily. Difficult to know more about him: the young man "has not yet spoken in the press, including local"note LCI.

Jason Herbert, labor councilor and former journalist

This communication officer in a media library in Angoulême (Charente), aged of 26 years, worked as a journalist at The free Charente between 2012 and 2014, according to his profile Viadeo, before being fired. He sued his employer to the labor courts for "dismissal without cause real and serious" and adheres to the CFDT-Journalistes in 2016, before integrating the national council, reports the union. Last January, he also became a labor councilor.

Asked about the union affiliation of Jason Herbert by Marianne, Maxime Nicolle, another spokesman, ensures that "If this element is confirmed, it will not be able to remain spokesman.We want to preserve the neutrality of the movement at all costs.There is only that that we can keep our credibility with people who are fighting all the days for their survival ".

On the question of "yellow vests", Jason Herbert badures South West to position yourself "against all forms of blockages and violence". "We can not stay three months to paralyze the country, we must discuss, enter into negotiations." Questioned by Release in his place on the ground, he also ensures that his "The role was to collect the information, get it back up and vice versa."

Thomas Miralles, company manager and former candidate "Bleu Marine"

At the age of 25, Thomas Miralles is the founder and director of a brokerage firm in real estate loans in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), according to his LinkedIn profile. This business school graduate has twice been a candidate in the municipal elections in Canet-en-Roussillon (Pyrénées-Orientales) learned franceinfo, confirming the information of The Independent. First in 2010, on a list Republican Union, supported by the Socialist Party. Then in 2014 under the banner "Canet Bleu Marine", supporting Marine Le Pen. A "youth mistake" according to the interested party.

He is engaged since the first hour in the movement of "yellow vests", reports France 3 Occitanie, who met him on the eve of 17 November. "We intend to remain in a pacifist spirit, the goal is not to go against the forces of order"he badures then. About his appointment in the national delegation of "yellow vests", he promises: "We are not decision makers, we are just there to go to the media", referring to the organization of "popular referendums where all French citizens will be able to express themselves".

Marine Charrette-Labadie, waitress

Since she declared the demonstration of 17 November from Brive (Corrèze) in prefecture, cwaitress of 22 years organized several actions in the region of Brive, reports The Opinion. A first for the young woman, who confides to Marianne be "rather left" but refuse the political recovery of the movement.

His commitment to "yellow vests" is driven by his personal experience: "Residing in Voutezac, a small town located 25 kilometers from the restaurant where she works, she spends almost 200 euros a month on fuel just to go to work." On a smic, it's huge! ", tells Marianne.

Julien Terrier, auto-entrepreneur in Grenoble

"A native of Annecy (Haute-Savoie), this former member of the Air Force worked in several sectors, from building to trade, before creating his own renovation and repair company.", reports Le Figaro. But the business of cThe spokesman for the "yellow vests" in Grenoble, launched at the beginning of the year, has been idling since he has been multiplying meetings to structure the movement's action locally. Agence France Presse.

The young man, who says he has been contacted by various political movements, also claims not to belong "to no party" and denounces "the will of recovery" from the extreme right. Without waiting for the speech of Emmanuel Macron Tuesday, November 27, it is already pronounced for the demonstration of December 1, reports France 3 Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes.

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