Early puberty. Endocrine disruptors being singled out


In its latest epidemiological bulletin, Public Health France reports on early puberty. If the causes of this phenomenon are difficult to disentangle, endocrine disruptors would have largely their share of responsibility.

Already suspected to favor disorders such as obesity and diabetes, endocrine disruptors (pesticides, phthalates, bisphenol A … ) could also be involved in early puberty. This is what we learn from the latest study conducted by Public Health France.

Early puberty is reflected in particular by bad thrust in girls, increased testicular volume in boys and the appearance of pubic hair. Significant geographical disparities have also been noted by specialists. Joëlle Le Moal, epidemiologist at Public Health France, explains the stakes.

Endocrine disruptors are one of the causes of precocious puberty. How to explain it?

"Pathological precocious puberty affects in France ten times more girls than boys. We found nearly 1,200 new cases of idiopathic central precocious puberty (1) per year in girls (for a ratio of 2.68 out of 10,000), compared to only 117 in boys, in a three-year study between 2011 and 2013, and identifying the cases treated with specific drugs.

To explain this disparity, we can evoke two hypotheses: the fact that the signs of precocious puberty are less visible in boys, but also because that the literature shows sometimes different responses in males and females for identical exposure to certain endocrine disruptors.

What are the most favorable factors for triggering precocious puberty?

"Early puberty is a multifactorial phenomenon. Overweight, genetics and a context of international adoption are known as contributing factors, especially among girls. In the scientific literature, suspected endocrine disruptors in girls are certain cosmetic products containing estrogenic substances, or chemical additives used in certain electronic components or in furniture. "

The Public Health France Study has also made it possible to determine the geographical distribution of central idiopathic precocious puberty in metropolitan France. Which are the most affected territories?

"It appears that the two geographical zones most affected by the precocious puberty are the former regions Midi-Pyrenees and Rhône-Alpes, very agricultural regions, with incidences several times above the national average. Although the hypothesis of links between agricultural or industrial pressure and incidence of pathologies is difficult to demonstrate. Early puberty is a complex phenomenon requiring fine badysis. We are currently conducting more detailed research, on a smaller scale (communes), and over a period of 10 years, to know if the incidence of this pathology increases or not in France, including in the ultra-marine regions ".

(1) – Designates a symptom or a disease of unknown origin.

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