During a conference at the prestigious California Academy of Sciences, the firm has presented its brain-computer interface project. The small box, to be placed behind the ear, should allow to communicate the man and the machine in a transparent way. More crazy, he would be ready to be tested on the man from next year.
The applications are virtually endless, but the idea is first to allow basic interactions, like typing on your iPhone, to move the cursor of his Mac, all that only by the thought. To achieve this, the product embarks tiny filaments (thinner than a hair – about 4 to 6 μm wide) which will be implemented at the base of the brain.
Later, Musk especially hopes to enable people with disabilities to find the words or the use of certain members, for example. For now, it is still difficult to know when this device could actually be marketed, Neuralink has explained that it is very difficult to offer commercial products and services. But eventually, coupled with glbades or lenses connected, we imagine that this interface could revolutionize the way to interact with technology.
Some people already think they can upload knowledge directly in their head or make phone calls only through thought …
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