Emeric (Love is in the meadow): Lucie not sincere? "I do not blame him"


Between Emeric and Lucie, it's ancient history. During the last badessment of Love is in the 2018 meadow broadcast on Monday, November 26, the nurseryman and beekeeper of 27 years explained that his former contender had broken with him by SMS. During an interview for our colleagues from TV Maghe gave more details.

Marine's dad (7 years old) first explained that thirty-six hours after leaving the farm, Lucie had sent him a message to express his doubts: "She wondered, did not know how much she felt about me, whether it was love or friendship. I understood it, there was a good feeling between us but I wondered if the presence of the cameras around us had not increased our feelings tenfold. In the meantime, she left for a fortnight in Cuba. At that time, we still called each other often."If they had agreed to meet again without the cameras of the broadcast of datingthese reunions never took place: "She dropped me. By SMS … (…) What I find average is that at 30, she still drops her lovers by SMS. It's a bit limited. It's not like we just met in a box or on a dating site."

Emeric was not really surprised because, according to him, Lucie had "written on a whim"and"probably did not think of going so far in the adventureAnd to add: "It may have gone too fast, I do not blame him."Today they are no longer in contact:"Finally, she just sent me a message in June to find out if I had gone broke. I did not answer him. I especially think she was worried about her image."

Anyway, Emeric has moved on. Today, he is in a relationship with Maëlle, one of the contenders he had met at speed dating. "I am in a couple for two months with Maëlle. (…) I kept thinking about our speed dating. Initially, I did not dare to contact her again, out of respect, out of fear … And then finally, I started. So I invited her home, in a friendly way. And when I saw it again, it was obvious. After he left, I told my brother-in-law that she was the woman of my life. A thunderbolt"The lovebirds have only one idea in mind: to move in together and start a family.

On her side, Lucie has found love in the arms of "un very handsome boy, brown, adorable " as she confided to TV Star: "But we are just at the beginning of our relationship, and here I am really going to take my time!"And, in Instagram story, she unveiled what she says is the real reason for their separation.

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