Eole will be faster than RER A to cross Paris


All the elected officials and the leaders of the SNCF present at the baptism of Eole tunneler this Wednesday morning have recalled. The priority objective of the extension of Eole to the west, from Saint-Lazare to Mantes-la-Jolie, is to desaturate line A of the RER, "the busiest and the most saturated in Europe" according to Alain Krakovitch, the general manager SNCF Transilien.

The commissioning of the RER E to the west, in 2022 to Nanterre and in 2024 to Mantes, must "reduce by 15% the number of pbadengers on the RER A, which carries 1.2 million pbadengers a day" said Valérie Pécresse, president (LR) of the region and Ile-de-France Mobilités.

The Eole line will benefit from a brand new French rolling stock, "built by Alstom and Bombardier and which will first circulate on the RER D", said Valérie Pécresse. 130 trains of this RER New Generation are thus intended for the RER E.

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<p><i>Courbevoie, Monday, November 12, 2018. A trailer of the future tunnel boring machine that will dig in 2019 the new underground to Paris.LP / F.H. </i></p>
<p>This RER will circulate quickly (120 km / h peak against 80 km / h on the RER A) and the same train will not run from one end of the line to the other. The trains from Mantes-la-Jolie will terminate Rosa-Parks in Paris while those coming from Chelles or Tournan will terminate Nanterre-la-Folie. "So the travelers will not support the problems from one end to the other and that makes sense because the users will not go from Mantes to Tournan", adds the CEO of SNCF Transilien.</p>
<p>We will gain half an hour with Eole when we come from the east of Paris to go to La Défense. The deputy (EELV) to the mayor of Paris Christophe Najdovski said that Eole would put "Porte Maillot 4 minutes from Saint-Lazare and La Defense, 10 minutes from the Gare du Nord".</p>
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