Excavations undertaken at one of Fourniret's ex-women


Estelle Mouzin. – DR

  • Excavations to find the body of Estelle Mouzin have resumed.
  • They take place in Clairefontaine, at the home of an ex-wife from Fourniret.
  • The serial killer used an astonishing formula to talk about this case.

It is a memory of which she would happily go. Ten days ago, before the Assize Court of Yvelines, the lawyer Corinne Herrmann reminded the jury that it was finally necessary to dig up to "three meters deep", in 2004, to find the bodies of two of victims of
Michel Fourniret. "We were digging, digging in the garden of the
Castle Sautou and we could not find … "And for good reason,
"The ogre des Ardennes" had literally buried them with the help of an excavator.

Excavations ordered in connection with the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin resumed on Tuesday morning in the Paris region, at one of the former women of the serial killer.
The first operations had already taken place, September 7, in order to find the body of the missing 9-year-old girl, in 2003,
as she was returning from school in Guermantes (Seine-et-Marne). This time, the prosecutor of Meaux, Dominique Laurens, specified that soldiers specialized in operational excavations participated in the research.

The castle Sautou Fourniret couple was bought by Belgian pharmacists after the discovery of two bodies buried in the field.
The castle Sautou Fourniret couple was bought by Belgian pharmacists after the discovery of two bodies buried in the field. – F.NASCIMBENI / AFP

The double negation of Fourniret that drives you crazy

At the beginning of 2007, Michel Fourniret had been put out of action for the first time in this affair. Then, the investigators decided to carry out badyzes on the 4,000 hairs and hair found in the van in which he removed his victims before raping them and killing them. In 2013, they indicated that no correspondence could be found with Estelle Mouzin.

But the girl's father's lawyers continue to believe this hypothesis. In particular, they believe that the killer delivered a "confession" at a hearing by the investigating judge last March. Using a double negation and playing with the nerves of the civil parties as he is used to, Michel Fourniret said "do not deny being involved in the case Estelle Mouzin".

Michel Fourniret during his trial before the Assize Court of the Ardennes in 2008.
Michel Fourniret during his trial before the Assize Court of the Ardennes in 2008. – ALAIN JULIEN / AFP

"Careers, there are not 36! "

It is within this framework that the judges have ordered research to try to resolve this case. The place of the excavations owes nothing to chance. Michel Fourniret always indicated that he knew very well the surroundings of Clairefontaine-in-Yvelines where he lived with Nicole Clerget, his second wife, before undertaking his bloody odyssey.

#Fourniret :
– On the other hand, it is not impossible that I deposited the body of Farida in the old sand quarry of which I knew the location.
– But you drove the gendarmes there?
– It's possible but I do not remember …

– Vincent Vantighem (@vvantighem) November 15, 2018

Two weeks ago, during his trial in Versailles for the badbadination of Farida Hammiche whose body was never found, he had explained that the body of this young woman whose confession he confessed was found "perhaps" in a sand quarry near the home of his ex-wife. Relaunched several times, he was angry: "Careers, there are not 36! "

#Fourniret: During the suspension, Farida Hammiche's relatives flip through a photo album. This portrait is taken in October 1987, a few months before his death. pic.twitter.com/TndAcDbibL

– Vincent Vantighem (@vvantighem) November 13, 2018

Towards a new trial in 2019 or 2020 for the accursed couple

Convicted of five murders and three murders, Michel Fourniret has already been sentenced twice to life imprisonment for incompressible imprisonment. His ex-wife, Monique Olivier, was sentenced to life imprisonment with 28 years of security in 2008 and a prison sentence of 20 years ten days ago. It could be released in 2033.

The cursed couple could be judged, again, in late 2019 or early 2020 for the murders of Marie-Angele Domece and Johanna Parish that Michel Fourniret finally confessed at the beginning of the year, more than thirty years after the disappearance of the two young women.

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