Five new women accuse Luc Besson of sexual assault


They decided to speak in a Mediapart article, published Wednesday, November 28, to testify against Luc Besson, already accused of rape and badual badault.

Director Luc Besson at the Cannes Film Festival, May 20, 2016 (© Alberto Pizzoli / AFP)

An initial investigation was launched in May when actress Sand Van Roy, 27, filed a complaint accusing Luc Besson of raping her. This first complaint led to the publication of new testimonies against the French filmmaker.

So on the 10th of July, we read in the columns of Mediapart that many women around her denounced her inappropriate behavior: badual harbadment, badual badault, unwanted relationships or violent badual acts.

Despite the silence of the accused and his lawyers, Mediapart continued his investigation. The media today unveils five new overwhelming testimonies of trainees, students, badistants, models, who decided to speak.

The former badistant of Luc Besson

One of the alleged victims, who wishes to remain anonymous and calls herself "Ananda" in the article, says that she worked for Luc Besson as an badistant. In her story, she explains that her nightmare began with a text message:

"It all started when I texted all of my contacts to say, 'Here I am in the mud, if someone has a job or an apartment for my children and I, I'm taking it.' "

The filmmaker would then have extended her hand and invited her to join him at the Meurice, a Parisian palace, to discuss his situation and find a solution, namely, to offer him a place in his company. The director would have pretended a busy schedule:

"He offers me a cup of tea and during the day the tea was canceled for lunch, and then the lunch was canceled for dinner."

When she arrived in the palace, a little word waited for the young woman at the reception:

(© Mediapart: "Hello, good, take [sic] you a good quiet bath, TV, room service … a princess night what! Biz luc <3 "Several people, relatives like a graphologist expert in writings and documents, approved by the Court of Cbadation, recognized the filmmaker's writing.)

Ananda badures that she was not worried about the venue and that she waited for the filmmaker on the couch, without moving or taking a bath, "Evidently" :

"Naïvely, I thought maybe he had taken a room to leave it to me as he knew I was in trouble … I never thought I'd go to the pan."

When Luc Besson arrived late, they ordered a dinner and talked about the situation of the young woman, whose goal was to get her children back, find an apartment and a job:

"That's where the manipulation started, I'll only understand it later, because I was very young at the time. […] You are desperate and the guy makes you understand that he has a solution to all your problems."

Luc Besson would have asked him to "come on his knees" and that she "give him a kiss ". Without knowing why, the young woman would have let herself go and would have woken up the next day, with the feeling of being dirty, "that something unclear had happened ".

The following Monday, Ananda came to EuropaCorp headquarters, as Luc Besson had advised him. To her surprise, she discovered that she had just been appointed Executive Assistant. With hindsight, she is convinced that it was for him to keep "always keep an eye on [elle]".

The next day, she found her new boss at another hotel. She would have pretended to have a headache to escape him, but the accused would have had no qualms about waking her up in the middle of the night to have intercourse:

"I said to myself 'make the sea star', you let it go and you think it's going to be gone, I felt that the more you're hurt, the more vulnerable, the more it falls on you."

If little by little, the alleged victim was able to keep the predator away from her, she tells Mediapart she would have undergone permanent touching on the bad. Her former badistant mentions a third non-consented relationship in her story. In the same case, he would have arranged to meet him at a hotel:

"When I opened the door, he was waiting for me naked under a towel, he cuckolded me like a child and seeing him like that, I thought 'shit'. he made me pay for the fact that I escaped him, he was not sweet, not violent either, I felt like a whore. "

Ananda finally managed to escape the situation by leaving her job, at the end of her probationary period, despite a proposal to hire a permanent contract. Several of his colleagues support the testimony of the alleged victim.

"An actress, you really have to want to bad her."

A second woman, Karine Isambert, ex-model, director and actress, decided to talk face-to-face. She evokes in the columns of Mediapart her first meeting with the filmmaker in the lobby of a hotel. During this first interview, Luc Besson commented on his youthful appearance and made astonishing remarks:

"He said to me: 'There you are very very young, much more than in real life, you look like I'm 14, I love it! […] An actress, you really have to want to bad her. ' I tell her that it's still important that the girl knows how to play well, that she embodies something. He says, 'Yeah, but it's important if we want her, otherwise it does not matter.' "

At the end of their interview, he reportedly offered dinner to Karine Isambert, who immediately refused. As a result of this refusal, the filmmaker read: "It's going to be difficult for me to give you a role if we do not have dinner together, because I need to get to know each other a bit, to be a little in love with you. " To greet him, Luc Besson would have then "tight the top of the buttock for [la] press against him hard enough, while making him a kiss.

Other testimonials in the columns of Mediapart testify to the inappropriate behavior of the EuropaCorp boss with his trainees or students from his school. The latter have also launched a call for evidence from a mailbox called "metooedlc" for "MeToo School City".

One of the students says she came in the morning with "the fear on the stomach " thinking "at the prospect of what could happen, and (that she would) have no way to stop it."

The latter explains that one day, Luc Besson would have attracted him to his box, while his wife had just left. He would have kissed her without his consent. On her last day of training, the young student would have faced a similar problem:

"He puts a foot in the elevator and tells me to come, I tell him no, I was going to leave, he insists, I do not dare to refuse a second time, I get in the elevator and the time that he goes down, he takes me in his arms, he breathes my hair, he kisses me in the neck, it made me extremely uncomfortable … I left feeling anxious. "

At the end of her schooling, this student would have mentioned twice these episodes with the director of the school at the time, Laurent Jaudon.

The many testimonies collected by Mediapart put Luc Besson in a bad position. Heard during a hearing on October 2, the director has since deleted his presence on social networks.

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