Foot OM – OM: Found weapons, German police block ultras at the border


This Thursday night, at its last European meeting of the season outside in Frankfurt, Olympique de Marseille had to count on the support of 500 of its supporters. But in the end, only 200 Marseille, from Fanatics and Dodgers, are at the Commerzbank-Arena. Although the others made the trip to Germany, they were unable to reach the Eintracht stadium because several ultras buses were stopped at the border.

According to RMC, "Hoods, knives, smoke bombs, baseball bats and Molotov badtails were found there". Following checks from 11h to 19h45, the German police have presented to the supporters of Winners and MTP "A decree asking them to go back home". Some ultras OM, being unable to present their identity card, have even been verbalized. A bad night for the club, currently sinking on the lawn of Frankfurt …

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