Football Bordeaux – FCGB: The PSG, responsible n ° 1 of the sale of the Girondins!


FCGB: The PSG, responsible n ° 1 of the sale of the Girondins!

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published In: Bordeaux, PSG, Ligue 1.

Former owner of the Girondins de Bordeaux, the boss of M6 Nicolas de Tavernost has returned to the reasons that led him to sell the scapular club to the Americans of GACP. And to everyone's surprise, the former boss of the Girondins has directly linked this decision to the omnipotence of the Qataris at Paris Saint-Germain. Indeed, QSI having made the championship too difficult, M6 preferred to throw in the towel rather than losing money. A surprising statement, but Nicolas de Tavernost has at least the merit of being honest …

"When we took the club, we had a pretty simple rule. The club was profitable when it was in the Champions League. He was in balance when he was in the Europa League and he was losing money when he was not competing for European competition. It was the road map. And then there was a break when the Paris Saint-Germain was sold. The championship has become different … There was a big investor also in Monaco at the time. So, we knew that with our means, we could not pretend, at best, to play the Europa League. And that's very frustrating when you want to be a leader. That's why we decided to sell » Nicolas de Tavernost, who clearly did not support the strength of PSG in Ligue 1 and the delay accumulated over the years by the club Bordeaux.

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