Foreign trade: just figures … to 5 billion euros near


Just numbers … to 5 billion euros. The Ministry of the Economy and Finance and the Customs Administration have some small problems of calculation when it comes to French foreign trade figures. according to The chained Duck Wednesday, these are constantly diminished for several years.

In 2017, the deficit between French exports and imports was 62.3 billion euros. But according to Eurostat figures, which are based on the statements of the European Union, French imports are underestimated by 12 billion and imports by 7 billion. Either a deficit that should show 5 billion euros more …

Ladle badessment

A difference far from innocuous and that Customs have addressed in 2014 and 2016. According to a confidential report of the Department of Statistics and Economic Studies of Customs, the European Union has exempted European companies that import goods from other EU countries for less than EUR 460 000. And it is up to Customs to evaluate what is not stated, which has led to these miscalculations for years.

Now that the mechanism is identified, the file is on the desk of the Minister of Public Accounts Gérald Darmanin, who, according to the Duck, would take his time to correct the situation. Indeed, among our European neighbors, it is not uncommon for the figures not to reflect the reality of their trade balance …

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