Free blocks 300,000 rented and unreturned smartphones


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Free Mobile has blocked 300,000 smartphones rented and unreturned by its customers. A real problem for new owners, who bought these used appliances.

According to the paper version of the JDD, taken over by the Universe Freebox site, Free Mobile cleaned up the terminals rented by its services. On 31 October, the operator proceeded remote blocking of 300,000 smartphones not returned by its tenants at the end of the contract.

A mbadive and unprecedented blockage

free mobile has the right to apply this blocking: it is clearly indicated in its general conditions of subscription, but Xavier Niel's company had never previously applied this clause of the contract.

All the operators have been contacted by the services of Free to disable these unrecovered mobiles. " We manage up to a few hundred requests for blacklisting a month, we do not understand why the operation of Free was so sudden and voluminous "Says one of the mobile operators.

These tens of thousands of blockages prevent so many users from enjoying their mobile line. Indeed, the owners of these smartphones have for the most part bought them in second-hand shops, without knowing anything about the origin of the devices.

Legal reasons for the blockages

Why did Free decide to proceed with this mbadive blockage? The explanations would be linked to the judicial fight that the telecommunications troublemaker is waging against other operators concerning mobile subsidies. Free Mobile sued Orange, accusing it of disguising a consumer credit in rebates applied to new mobiles sold with a package.

Free Mobile has already lost a first time to SFR on the same subject. To avoid a new snub, Xavier Niel's teams first wanted to carry out a major cleaning in their fleet of devices. " Free may have realized that he had 300,000 terminals in the wild, something that was not going to argue in his favor Confirms one of the three mobile operators who asked to remain anonymous.

Free could also announce new offers from smartphone rental, themselves badociated with a consumer credit company. Again, a household would have imposed before communicating on these new formulas.

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