Frozen vegetables contaminated with listeria


The Belgian group Greenyard, one of the world's leading suppliers of fruit and vegetables, had to close its frozen food factory in Hungary, the latter being contaminated by a strain of listeria bacteria. In France, some 20 products have been placed under surveillance by the DGCCRF.

Frozen vegetables contaminated with listeria. The Belgian Greenyard Group is one of the world's leading suppliers of fruit and vegetables. Its frozen food factory in Hungary, contaminated with Listeria bacteria, had to close down

In France, the health authorities, fearing contamination, recalled several products. The Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) has published the list of products concerned. Since June 15, 2018, the strain of listeria bacteria has been responsible for 9 deaths and has infected 47 other people in Europe, according to the European health agency Efsa.

Serious foodborne infection

Many large French surfaces are concerned by this recall as Lidl, Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc or Intermarché. No cases have yet been identified in France but consumers are encouraged to bring the products back to the store or dispose of them as a precaution.

Listeriosis is a serious, foodborne infection. According to the National Health Safety Agency, it is fatal in 20 to 30% of cases and requires hospitalization in 92% of them. It is due to the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.

Symptoms (fever, headaches, digestive disorders …) can appear until 8 weeks after infection. It can lead to sepsis or infection of the central nervous system. Fragile people, such as those aged 80 and over, suffering from illnesses or heavy treatment are particularly at risk. In pregnant women, the infection can cause the death of the baby.

To read also:

Lactalis: a possible contamination as early as 2005

Recall of products: a lot of Camembert contaminated with Escherichia coli

Eggs contaminated with fipronil: ANSES confirms that the health risk is "very low"

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