Genetically Modified Babies: Chinese "irresponsible" researcher suspends work


"Sapientia and virtus." The motto adorns the amphitheater of the Centennial campus of Hong Kong University. There, dozens of journalists are waiting for the one who has revived the worst fantasies. Hundreds of scientists are also there, gathered Wednesday for the second international summit on the editing of the human genome, and eager for explanations. And the self-proclaimed "father" of the first genetically modified babies, Dr. He, is finally coming under meager applause.

Read also Chinese scientist claims to have produced the first genetically modified babies

The cracklings of the photographers cease and the Chinese biologist begins his presentation. For twenty minutes he will justify his clinical trials, the results revealed in videos Sunday would "Fleeing unexpectedly", he says by way of introduction. Supporting diagrams, he deciphers how he intervened on viable embryo genes in order to make unborn babies resistant to the AIDS virus. And how he used the Crispr-Cas9 technique, which cuts DNA to better heal it.

Unbelievable, unethical details

While before him many researchers had explained the current limits of this technique Crispr, which is not yet fully controlled, especially on human embryos due to mutations or chromosome breaks in areas different from those targeted, He Jiankui said. He explained that he had undertaken experiments on monkeys. On the strength of the successes, he said, he would have decided to proceed to clinical trials on viable human embryos intended to be born.

"The parents, volunteers, were informed of the risks posed by the existence of an" off-target "in one of two embryos», another affected gene than the targeted one, and "Decided to implement it"says the biologist trained in the United States, before concluding that the girls born a few weeks ago would be followed medically until their majority. Unbelievable details, contrary to all ethics, then arise as scientists in the room badail him with questions, not without repeatedly dealing with him."irresponsible".

Doctor right in his boots

Eight couples initially agreed to serve as guinea pigs, HIV-positive men and HIV-negative women. All are "Highly educated", "risk aware" for their future children and who "Were able to ask questions throughout the process". Despite the protocols, Dr. He says he has been through an anti-AIDS organization to recruit these "volunteers" and has himself had interviews conducted to explain the process to prospective parents. A total of 31 embryos have been handled, and another pregnancy is underway, says the Chinese researcher. But "A pause is observed in the tests because of the situation"he says.

Fustigated for having worked "Totally opaque" and by transgressing ethical rules, Dr. He retorts, right in his boots, having "Informed experts and researchers in the United States and China" of the progress of his work, which he says he has paid for out of his pocket. "My company was not involved"says the man who runs a laboratory in Shenzhen. "An article is ready to be submitted to a scientific journal"he continues just as calmly. Which could make it possible to confirm or not the allegations on his experiment which for the moment has not been verified.

Rosa Brostra Correspondent in Hong Kong

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