Gironde. A case of dengue imported from Benin detected in Ambès


A case of dengue fever was diagnosed in Ambès last week. The victim, hospitalized in Bordeaux, is in a stable state. The interdepartmental establishment of mosquito control spread cure Tuesday, July 10, causing the anger of the mayor of the town.

The Interdepartmental Establishment of Mosquito Control (EID) had to carry out, Tuesday, July 10, a spreading curative in the Beauregard district of the peninsula of Ambès (Gironde), after the discovery of a case of dengue fever. A treatment that provoked the anger of local officials, reports France 3 New Aquitaine

A case of dengue was diagnosed in Ambès at the end of last week. The victim, still hospitalized at the Bordeaux University Hospital, is in a stable state. It seems that the disease was imported from Benin according to the Regional Health Agency (ARS), even if for several months, tiger mosquitoes poison the lives of locals.

A product "that kills all the fauna" [19659005] The spreading, him, was not the taste of the mayor, Kevin Subrenat, who estimates that it intervenes too late and especially, that the product used is not adapted. "We were asking for a spread in the marshes upstream. An organic treatment, antilarvaire, which would have allowed to kill the larvae of mosquitoes, while preserving the biodiversity " explains it to France 3 . "Here we were treated with a cure, based on deltamethrin, a toxic product that kills mosquitoes, but also all wildlife. Bees, ants, everything goes there.

The elected representative called the departmental council and asked for a meeting between the elected representatives of the peninsula and Jean-Luc Gleyze, president of the department.

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