Government Refuses to Remove Waze and Coyote Police Controls


The retropedal government. The measure of the mobility bill, which provided for the constraint of operators Waze or Coyote to delete certain types of police reports, has been withdrawn, reveals RTL on Tuesday. It was clause 24 of the bill.

In practice, the government wanted to force the operators to block the reports of motorists for several hours, especially in case of anti-terrorist operation, alcohol control, narcotics or search for criminals. Speed ​​checks were not affected by the measurement.

A victory for "40 million motorists"

"The abandonment of this measure is a great victory," says the badociation 40 million motorists in a statement released on Tuesday.

"The state understood that banning the ad hoc dissemination of road reports meant not only setting up a gas plant, but also formulating a real declaration of war against road users, already caught in the throat by a an astronomical quantity of measures that put them in difficulty on a daily basis and directly impact their mobility and purchasing power, "concludes Pierre Chbaderay, general delegate of the badociation.

The mobility bill was presented this Monday in the Council of Ministers. The government has also retreated on the heavyweight vignette and on urban tolls.

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