Guillaume Canet found François Berléand's double


PEOPLE – At the game of look-alikes, Guillaume Canet is really very strong. The French actor and director made a rather fascinating discovery this Monday, November 26th. It seems that Guillaume Canet found the perfect double of François Berléand.

On Instagram, Guillaume Canet boasted of finding a rather disturbing look-alike of his friend, French actor François Berléand. Unfortunately, we still do not know where Guillaume Canet found this picture, but it is true that the resemblance between this woman and the actor of 66 years is very intriguing.

The director of "Do not tell anyone", in which he also played François Berléand, had fun with this resemblance and decided to rename the painting "Duchess de Berléand".

Fake or not fake?

Now remains to know where this table comes from to rule out any suspicion of manipulation of the image by Guillaume Canet. Indeed, this lookalike is almost perfect, maybe even too perfect. Could it be a little joke of Guillaume Canet?

In the comments of the photo, the painting has had its effect: "fake" or "editing" for some, "wonder" and "spitting portrait" for others. Even the actress Leila Bekhti was impressed by this find that seems very real for her: "It's a crazy thing," she commented.

Guillaume Canet instagram screenshot

Internet users are divided on the veracity of the work.

Moreover, by looking twice, we can also see a slight resemblance to another actor. And if the Duchess of Berlean was actually a double of the deceased actor in 2016 Alan Rickman, famous for his roles of Professor Snape in the Harry Potter saga and the terrorist Hans Gruber in "Crystal Trap"? In any case, the mystery of the Duchesse de Berléand remains for the moment.

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