had this yellow vest already participated in other shows by Cyril Hanouna? The viewers are wondering …


Monday night, a good part of Do not touch My TV ! once again, to the dismay of viewers, was devoted to the protest movement of yellow vests. Cyril Hanounawho volunteered to be theirsspokesperson on TV", again gave the floor to some of them, but also to political representatives on the set.At the show, in the public, several" yellow vests "could also speak freely to react to the debates and express their anger.

⋙ The followers of Touche not at my post are tired of Cyril Hanouna monopolizing the show with the yellow vests (REVUE DE TWEETS)

Among them, some Kahina, posing as a student alternating in a business school, wearing a yellow vest and came to denounce the tax policy Emmanuel Macron. But, as some people have insisted on Twitter, this young woman seems to be a regular on the sets of Cyril Hanouna … On Twitter, Gwen, a member of the network rather active in the media, has published several captures screen where we discover the one who seems to be the same Kahina alongside Cyril Hanouna at the premium It's for us, it's a gift broadcast on C8 in 2016, or while trapped in The great rbadrah, still in 2016.

⋙ TPMP: Cyril Hanouna's astonishing proposal for yellow vests after their live jab (VIDEO)

Contacted by Tele-Loisirs, C8 says it can be pure chance. "This person can be part of the microcosm of Do not touch My TV ! and come regularly to participate in the show, like many others. And nothing prevents that it was able to participate in previously emissions and that it is yellow vest todayIn any case, some viewers felt that they were being deceived, as indicated by the few tweets below.

Oh ….. it's me disgusting

– Yaya (@yayazit) November 27, 2018

Here it reminds me of a certain @GregGuillotin

– Jo B (@Big____J) November 27, 2018

It is troubling.

– Mathilde Duez (@cabragringa) November 27, 2018

Kahina yellow vest, kahina winner of a game, kahina victim of a hidden cam !? You recycles your actors @Cyrilhanouna ? pic.twitter.com/PbGBqTXNgA

– Miss Ninon? (@malbareeee) November 26, 2018

#TPMP The @Cyrilhanouna that brings us tonight for the umpteenth time his favorite badistant the fake yellow vest pro Macron said Kahina. Remember his first words "We do not want the removal of Macron" lol manipulation when you hold us.

– Landscape (@vespertinum) November 26, 2018

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