He disfigures a man with a knife, four years in prison


Illustration of the balance of Themis, symbol of Justice. (Drawing) – SUPERSTOCK / SUPERSTOCK / SIPA

A man was sentenced Tuesday to three years in prison by the Criminal Court of Nevers (Nièvre) for a serious knife attack. The victim, disfigured, had received 25 days of ITT, reports the Journal of the Center.

The facts date back to February 23, 2017. The attacker, by car, approach another man at a red light. He blocks the pbadage and makes lighthouse calls. He ends up getting out of his car, the victim doing the same. It was then that he stabbed him in the face. The victim was seriously injured and fled. She was later picked up by police and taken to the hospital.

"It's because he kidnapped my girlfriend"

The wounds are serious. The deep wound extends from the left ear to the chin. The masticatory muscles were severed irreversibly. A warrant of arrest allowed the arrest of the defendant in the Paris region, a month after the events.

In court, the man tried to explain himself, accusing the victim of badually badaulting his girlfriend. "It's because he kidnapped my girlfriend. He tried to hit me with a hammer, I tried to defend myself, "he said. A version that is not corroborated by any judicial procedure to date.

Nineteen mentions to the criminal record

CCTV also comes to undermine the defense of the defendant. "It does not show in any way that the victim had a hammer," said prosecutor Alexa Monfurt. And we see him wearing a blow. "

A multiple-bad offender, the man has 19 mentions of his criminal record, including narcotics, concealment, theft and aggravated violence. He was sentenced to four years in jail, including a suspended sentence, a probation of two years and an obligation to care, work or training.

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