He wants to recover a place for his disabled son, he is fatally stabbed


Thursday, November 22, in the early afternoon, Thierry whose son is disabled, asks a couple aboard a black Clio not to park in the "handicapped", tells France Bleu Provence.

This couple does not own the badge with the wheelchair. Tone up. And the driver of the Clio tells Thierry that he will settle his account.

A quarter of an hour later the couple returns with a third individual. The owner of the Renault comes out a knife. He gives Thierry a fatal knife in the chest.

Thierry dies shortly after arriving at the hospital despite the intervention of firefighters and first aid provided by his own daughter.

The trio managed to escape. He is actively sought after by the investigators of the criminal brigade of public safety of Bouches-du-Rhone.

The police exploit the images of video protection cameras.

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