Health: 83% of French people favor vaccination


February 14, 2018, in Center-Val-de-Loire: Eighteen people have already been affected by measles. An abnormally high figure, which is due to the weakening of immunization coverage.

Only 76% of people born in 2013 are sufficiently well vaccinated, a rate that should rise to 95% to ensure the health of residents. For several years, thanks to the exposure that the Internet can offer, the anti-vaccine discourse is spreading more and more.

The "for" : efficiency and collective spirit

However, an Ipsos study published on July 4 states that 83% of French people still declare themselves in favor of vaccination . In detail, only 34% are "quite favorable" the rest declaring "rather favorable" .

They justify this by eradicating certain diseases through vaccination. This is the case, for example, with diphtheria, an infection that can cause death by suffocation. In 1938, before the invention of the vaccine, there were about 45,000 cases per year, compared to zero today.

Pro-vaccines still quote on "collective benefit" the idea that by vaccinating oneself one also protects others.

These observations are divided "without any significant difference whatsoever according to the age, the profession, the level of income, the presence of minor children or not at within the home, the region of residence " notes the study.

The "against" : a need for transparency

People who say that they are against vaccination also make a number of arguments. First and foremost, fear of side effects. Here again, no geographical, clbad or age distinction can be established, proof that the problem goes beyond traditional huts.

Also cited, "lack of information on vaccines" and "presence of harmful substances" . Immunization info-services, the site under the tutelage of the Ministry of Health, has nevertheless devoted a long decoding on the subject.

Last year, vaccination was at the heart of an information campaign at the Chartres hospital. Uterine cancer, tetanus, rabies, hepatitis B … all serious diseases that can be avoided with the small bite.

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