Health Insurance subsidizes PMTCT's cautious projects


Small and medium-sized businesses are entitled to financial badistance from the Health Insurance to reduce the incidence of work-related accidents and illnesses. Enough to allow these companies to end the year 2018 in style

For the sake of clarity, these grants are intended to finance the purchase of equipment or to support investments placed in prevention contracts. Four types of help are therefore available. And it must be recognized that they may be specific to a specific activity or a potential risk.

The underwriting procedures seem quite simple because of their digitization. It remains to be specified that the offer is only valid for this year.

Choose between four types of grants

The Health Insurance offers financial aid to VSEs and SMEs. The aim is to support them in the context of the prevention of occupational risks in the workplace. In practice, prerogatives will be granted to them to enable them to acquire the appropriate equipment for the operation or to support them in their investments for preventive purposes.

Four grants will then be made available to companies, depending on their sector of activity:

  • Stop Asbestos, aimed at reducing exposure to asbestos fibers (for maintenance, cleaning and construction companies);
  • Filmeuse +, dedicated to the prevention of risks related to manual filming
  • Build +, protecting workers in the construction industry;
  • Airbonus, protecting employees from diesel engine emissions

Still, all job providers, regardless of their field of activity, can benefit from two devices contributing to the fight against MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders):

  • TMS Pros Action helps purchase the tools needed to reduce the physical or repetitive effort that causes disease;
  • The TMS Pros Diagnosis, which, as the name suggests, makes it possible to diagnose possible occurrences of the ills, to set up a prevention strategy.

The offer will expire in early 2019

The process for obtaining these grants is simple. The first step is to get closer to the health insurance fund located in the applicant's area. A course is also available online.

In theory, it will be sufficient to go to the official website of the Health Insurance and fill out the digital form. The applicant must attach its estimate when sending it. Namely that the offer is only valid for all requests received before the end of the year.

Once the regional union has reported its agreement, acceptance must be followed by a confirmation of the request (to be done 60 days after approval). To do this, a copy of the order form (s) is sent by registered letter to the entity concerned.

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