Health: the number of children living with AIDS in Senegal unveiled


Three hundred children living with the AIDS virus are followed at Albert Royer Hospital in Fann. " The vast majority of (cases) are infected by their mothers," informs Dr. Aminata Diack, head of the outpatient department, who ensures that these children are followed, according to information relayed by our colleagues from metrodakar and read by senegal.7

Dr. Diack points out that "the well-treated child can grow up, go to school, have activities and not be marked at all by the disease". And according to the pediatrician, some ex-boarders of the structure where she officiates, "had their baccalaureate that others even married and uninfected children.

But some problems remain. "The difficulty in pediatrics, says Aminata Diack, is that, unlike the adult who cares alone, with the child, we need a person who accompanies him in the care, willing to to invest in the long term and who has understood that one can take care of an infected child without risk. "

The pediatrician also cites, among the difficulties, the " deficit of human resources " the lack of pediatric doctors, the " recurrent breaks in the supply of certain molecules "…

Malick Dabo / Senegal7

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