Her husband yellow vest wants to block only a roundabout. She explodes with laughter.


Last Sunday, a man in a yellow vest tried to block a roundabout alone … to the delight of his wife! A contagious laugh that brings a touch of fantasy and good mood in the middle of a period full of doubts and tensions.

It happened in Pau. The man in question, to achieve his ends without breaking the law, decided to begin a series of round trips on the pedestrian crossing. Her strategy did not really pay, but it does not matter: she did a good job to his wife, it was just the birthday.

"My son is so ashamed that he stayed in the car and I died laughing by the side of the road! "

Posted on Facebook, the video has already been viewed more than 2 million times. Look :

"My stomach hurts from laughing (…) For my 52 years, my husband makes me a great gift, it will never make me laugh as much as today. "

Whether for or against the movement of yellow vests, a certainty: we all need to laugh a little!

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Associate Editor, POSITIVR – Journalist from the print media, I was trained by ESJ Médias. I joined POSITIVR in April 2015 to give voice to those who believe in the future, to those who resist fatalism, to those who inspire us, to those who entertain us and to those who show us the path of transition. to come up.

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