here are the protesters in Toulouse and what they plan to do, friday –


Removed from the tolls and sites they occupied during the week, the yellow vests of Toulouse focus on the planned mobilization in downtown Saturday, December 1, 2018.

The yellow vests of Toulouse ended up being dislodged of all the tolls which they occupied around the Pink City, Thursday 29 November 2018.
The yellow vests of Toulouse ended up being dislodged of all the tolls which they occupied around the Pink City, Thursday 29 November 2018. (© Illustration / The Channel Press / Jean-Paul BARBIER)

The yellow vests lose ground, to Toulouse and its surroundings, Thursday 29 November 2018. As the week went by, they were dislodged from the sites they used to occupy, especially the tolls. But the movement wants to continue: the yellow vests begin to organize the day of event scheduled for Toulouse, Saturday, December 1, 2018.

Released from all tolls

Thursday, November 29, 2018, early evening, no more toll was occupied by yellow vests around Toulouse. First dislodged from MuretWednesday, on A64, protesters were then evacuated from the toll of Toulouse East, at the level of The union, sure A68at the beginning of the afternoon, calmly, by the police.

At the end of the day, there were no more protesters Eurocentre, sure A62, on the toll Toulouse-North, while farmers had come in reinforcements since Monday, to keep the barriers open and conduct free toll operations.

Towards a group action, Saturday

On social networks, publications are busy to organize the day of Saturday, December 1, in Toulouse. To support those who intend to gather in Paris, the same day, yellow vests Toulouse will end up in the city center, as Saturday, November 24, 2018 (where between 2,300 and 3,000 people had answered this). The appointment is given at 12:30 pm, on the Prairie Filters.

READ ALSO: Yellow vests. Dams, demonstration in the city center and snail operations: story of the day in Toulouse

It is not impossible that sites of Toulouse or its surroundings are occupied by surprise, Friday or the weekend, as it could happen before the Airbus logistics hub of Cornebarrieu, west of the Pink City, Wednesday. The previous weekend, several sites, from which had been dislodged yellow vests, had again reported a blockage, including fuel deposits of Lespinbade and of Fondeyre.

READ ALSO: One hundred yellow vests occupy a logistics hub of Airbus, near Toulouse

Tolls occupied in Occitania

Here is the list of the tolls that were still occupied by the demonstrators, in Occitania, at 5 pm:


  • Barrier Gignac : Presence of protesters
  • # 56 Labastide Murat : Presence of protesters


  • # 25 Lézignan: Presence of protesters
  • # 23 Carcbadonne West : Outputs forbidden to the Heavy Duty in both directions
  • # 24 Carcbadonne East : Presence of protesters
  • # 21 Castelnaudary: Presence of protesters


  • # 3 Langon: Presence of protesters
  • # 5 Marmande: Presence of protesters
  • N ° 6 Aiguillon: Presence of protesters
  • # 7 Agen: Presence of protesters
  • # 8 Valence d'Agen: Presence of protesters


  • # 6 Peyrehorade : Presence of protesters
  • # 7 Salies of Béarn : Presence of protesters
  • # 8 Orthez : Presence of protesters
  • # 9 Artix : Presence of protesters
  • No. 9.1 The cars : Presence of protesters
  • # 10 Pau: Presence of protesters
  • # 12 West Tarbes: Presence of protesters
  • # 13 Tarbes East: Presence of protesters
  • # 14 Tournay: Presence of protesters
  • # 15 Capvern: Presence of protesters
  • # 16 Lannemezan: Presence of protesters
  • # 19 Lestelle: Presence of protesters
  • Barrier of Lestelle: Presence of protesters
  • # 21 Boussens: Presence of protesters


  • Barrier of Saint-Jean-de-Vedas: Presence of protesters


  • # 22 Roquemaure : Presence of protesters
  • # 23 Remoulins: Presence of protesters
  • # 26 Gallargues: Outputs not recommended in both directions
  • # 27 Lunel Presence of protesters
  • # 33 Sete: Presence of protesters
  • # 34 Agde: Outputs not recommended in both directions
  • # 36 West Beziers: Presence of protesters
  • # 37 Narbonne East: Presence of protesters
  • # 39 Sigean : Presence of protesters
  • # 40 Leucate : Presence of protesters
  • # 41 North Perpignan: Presence of protesters
  • # 43 The Boulou: Presence of protesters

Nicolas Drusian

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