"How can I be told that there is no penalty?" … Did the use of VAR cost the Lyonnais a lot?


Bertrand Traore scored in the 13th minute of play Friday, but his goal has not been validated, after using the VAR. – ROMAIN LAFABREGUE / AFP

  • Eliminated by Strasbourg (1-2) three days earlier in the Coupe de la Ligue, OL was still disappointing against Reims (1-1) Friday in Ligue 1.
  • In galley to destabilize the low block Reims, the Lyonnais have also not been varnished by video badistance to arbitration (VAR).
  • 20 Minutes decrypts the two situations that could have allowed Bertrand to score (13th) and then receive a penalty (53rd).

Before finally finding the fault (1-1, 70th), Bertrand Traoré dragged a hell of a friday Friday against Reims. The striker Lyonnais could indeed be awarded a goal (13th) and then receive a penalty (53). But neither the badistant referee VAR (on the first situation), nor Benoît Millot (on the collision between Bertrand Traoré and Yunis Abdelhamid) interpreted in this way the images provided by the VAR. Like the Burkina goal scorer, who did not stop in front of the press, no OL player wanted to fuel the controversy.

Even Jean-Michel Aulas avoided a media release, unlike a previous spike in Montpellier (1-1), December 22, after a contact between Nabil Fekir and Benjamin Lecomte. Contrary to his habits, Bruno Genesio did the job in this new
"VARgate" in Ligue 1. 20 minutes tries to rewind and decrypt the two contentious situations.

  • Should Bertrand Traoré's goal be denied for offside?

One would be tempted to say that not so much it seems on the same line as the later Reims Ghislain Konan. Well launched by Houssem Aouar in the back of the defense of the Stade de Reims, the number 10 Lyonnais appears before Edouard Mendy and won his duel. On the pitch, the badistant referee spontaneously raises his flag. For long seconds, images scroll on the control screens. And this with a real quirk: the line of the developer has been slightly changed between the first and second image provided on our screens.

@PierreMenes we talk about the var ?? No advantage to the attack? pic.twitter.com/hFMhlcy4Bu

– Cyril (@ Cyril45177469) January 11, 2019

Offside joke? @PierreMenes @OL #lyonreims #VAR

– Bouhaddi sarah (@BouhaddiSarah) January 11, 2019

Benoît Millot is confirmed by headset that Bertrand Traoré was offside. "On this situation, I can understand that there is a different interpretation, depending on whether one is Lyon or Reims," ​​admits Bruno Genesio calmly. "As I told Jean-Michel [Aulas], I feel, with my eyes Reims, that the Lyonnais is offside with one foot, "said the president of the 7th of L1 Jean-Pierre Caillot. One foot, or even a big toe, depending on the slow motion.

  • Bertrand Traore deserved a penalty?

After consulting the images of the action, we would have found nothing to complain if the OL had received a ball equalizer on this blow (53). On an air balloon he intends to play, Bertrand Traore is stepped on the right foot by Yunis Abdelhamid. Rather than climbing to try a whim, he finds himself on the ground after this contact. Benoît Millot does not flinch but he will consult the images on the edge of the field to have the heart net.

?️ Bruno Genesio: "We could have won if the decision of the referee had been different …"#OLSDR pic.twitter.com/wrqdMpBkU2

– beIN Ligue 1 Confo (@ beINLigue1Confo) January 11, 2019

He is not going to change his mind, which has angered Bruno Genesio. "I would like to know why there is no penalty, the Lyon coach plague. I have to explain the rule because for me, it is a flagrant penalty that is not whistled. How, looking at the pictures, can I be told that there is no penalty? Not unhappy about these two major episodes of OL-Reims Friday, Jean-Pierre Caillot badures: "The decisions made do not shock me tonight".

In all fairness, it seems that there is a penalty, even if the fault is involuntary, if we rely on Law 12. (Capture: @SocialGones). It would be interesting (I am serious) that the arbitrators detail in a report the choices made after consulting the #VAR. pic.twitter.com/3TKUUlhBVP

– OL Stadium HD (@StadeOLHD) January 11, 2019

As 20 minutes was more successful than Bertrand Traoré on Friday, the main interested Yunis Abdelhamid stopped before us to deliver his version with frankness.

"As I try to take my impulse to play the ball of the head, I walk a little on it. I did not try to block it. I do not really look at Traore but I felt the contact. At the time, I was really afraid that the referee whistle penalty and then I was relieved. I think he saw with the video that it was totally unintentional. That's sure it's discussed. The Lyonnais will say penalty and me no. "

The last few weeks have shown that VAR still does not eliminate injustices. The referees do what they want

– Peter (@Peter__OL) January 11, 2019

"They were eager to score"

In the end, what impact did the probable frustration generated by these two contentious situations have on the Lyon players, which were very disappointing elsewhere? "We will not take refuge behind that but this penalty is still an event that tipped the game, believes Bruno Genesio. It would not change the content of our match, but it completely affects the result. "

How did Yunis Abdelhamid perceive the state of mind of OL after these blows of fate? "I did not necessarily feel the frustration of refereeing," said the central defender. But they were eager to score, that's for sure. We knew it was going to happen like this. The stronger we were, the more frustrated, doubtful, and lucid they would be. It can actually be the kind of home.

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