how they finance their retirement home


At age 99, Pierre Boucher still conscientiously keeps his account book. It is now five months since he is resident of the Ehpad White Ladies, in Seine-Maritime. His stay costs him € 2,000 a month, a sum that he finances with his pension and his savings. He wants to stay financially independent. In this property, the total cost of accommodation is € 104 per day per person. 30 € are paid by the Social Security and 14 € by the department. Sums that vary depending on the situation. The remaining 60 € are the responsibility of the resident. With the amount of user fees, this represents a total of € 2,000 per month. A substantial sum that all retirees can not pay.

The poorest then have the opportunity to apply for social badistance. But there are other ways to finance your stay. After a stroke last year, Michel Servais-Picord had to move to the White Ladies with his wife, Lucienne. For both of them, the bill amounts to 4,000 euros per month. But their respective pensions of € 750 and € 800 are not enough. The sale of their property gives them a sustainable income. On average, 1 in 5 people will stay in an Ehpad. A figure that should increase with the aging of the population.

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