How to explain the reverse of the Insoumis in Essonne?


INFOGRAPHICS – The LFI candidate has failed to bring the popular electorate together, while the successor of Manuel Valls has benefited from the support of all mayors in the constituency.

Mayor of Évry, Manuel Valls' historic right-hand man, Francis Chouat was elected Sunday in the first constituency of Essonne with 59.10% of the votes cast, compared to 40.90% for the unsubstantial France candidate (BIA). ) Farida Amrani. Supported by the Republic en marche (LaREM), it allows the presidential majority to retain the seat held since 2002 by Manuel Valls. A constituency that the former prime minister had "saved" only extreme accuracy in June 2017, with 50.30% of the vote against 49.70% for the same candidate of LFI.

If, because of the high abstention (82.7%), Francis Chouat does not find all the voters of Manuel Valls, it is he who has the best loyalty of his electorate, and even amplified the score. How to explain that the advance has pbaded in one year from 0.64 point to 18.2 points?

61 offices for Chouat, 17 for Amrani

The first district of Essonne has six municipalities. Three quarters of the 71,304 registered voters live in the two largest: Évry …

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