How to protect against the outbreak of gastroenteritis?


franceinfo, published on Monday November 26, 2018 at 11:43 pm

In the waiting rooms in Paris it's still not the hustle and bustle, but we're starting to think about it. The return of gastroenteritis is already being felt in several regions such as the Hauts-de-France. A commonplace virus, whose manifestations are very unpleasant. "People do not feel good, general malaise, they have a heart ache, they vomit, they have diarrhea, stomach pain," says Dr. Marie-Laure Alby, general practitioner.

Gesture number 1: wash your hands

How to prevent it? The number one gesture to repeat several times a day: wash your hands. This is where viruses and bacteria spread. If you have gastroenteritis, you have to throw your tissues in a garbage can, to avoid contaminating others. At home,

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