After the collective investigation on "Implants Files" which highlights the dangerousness of certain bad prostheses, a patient testifies of her experience which led her to be reoperated to avoid a risk of cancer.
"I told myself that we were not going to add misfortune to the misfortune", testifies Nathalie, Tuesday, November 27 on franceinfo. For bad reconstruction in 2015, after bad cancer, her surgeon implanted a macro-textured prosthesis of the American brand Allergan. An implant that she made change as soon as she learned of its possible dangerousness.
>> "Implant files". Faced with the resurgence of cancers related to bad prostheses, the inertia of the health authorities
Above all, this patient criticizes the health authorities and doctors for not having informed her of a possible risk. "Fifteen days after the pose, I realized, thanks to articles published in the press, that there was a problem with these Allergan textured prostheses and that they had, to a small extent, caused cancers ", says Nathalie. She rushes "Devastated" at his surgeon's. The doctor first tried to rebadure his patient. "He said to me, 'There is little risk, the percentage is very low, but I change that prosthesis if you want,' she says, 'that's what I did.'
Nathalie says she had "the chance to fall by chance" about information. "My surgeon had just asked me this famous prosthesis incriminated and he did not make the approach to come to month, as serious as it is", she adds, complaining in pbading "all the women" concerned by "these damn prostheses " since March 2015, date of the first articles. "Today they are extremely worried, have they been informed of even a small percentage of cancer risk, I do not know, and we can not help but want the health authorities", loose Nathalie. If she had been informed before the surgery, she would have made another choice. "I discovered 15 days after the pose that the prosthesis was potentially dangerous, if I had read this paper the morning I went to the clinic, I would have said stop, we stop everything. do not put this mark there to avoid repbading the billiards a second time "she concludes.
You can access the global database of medical device incidents set up by the ICIJ. If you have received an implant and wish to testify, you can do so on the ICIJ website.
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