In a Pôle emploi agency in Evreux, a jobseeker asked to bring her A4 paper


According to France Bleu Normandie, a jobseeker, who had gone to her agency Pôle Emploi in Evreux to print her CV, was asked to bring her own paper.

Will he soon bring his paper in the Pôle emploi agencies to print his CV? It is in any case what was retorted to Céline, a jobseeker, in her agency in Evreux, reports Monday France Bleu Normandie.

A question of cost and abuse? According to local radio, an employee of the agency told the unemployed that Pôle Emploi no longer gave applicants papers for printing or photocopying for a question of cost and "too frequent" abuse. After insisting, Céline managed to get a sheet, however, says France Bleu Normandie.

The paper provided confirms Pôle emploi. Contacted by local radio, Pôle Emploi responded by saying that printers and photocopiers were still freely accessible and that paper for printing was still provided.

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