In four years, the number of sexually transmitted infections has tripled in France


Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are particularly affected by this resurgence, recorded between 2012 and 2016.

Public Health France warns about the sharp rise in badually transmitted infections (STIs), in a survey published Wednesday (July 18th). In 2016, nearly 268 000 cases of c hlamydia infections were diagnosed among over-15s in metropolitan France and overseas, compared to 77,000 in 2012. Gonorrhea infections, they increased from 15,000 in 2012 to 50,000 in 2016. In just four years, the number of these STIs has more than tripled, highlights Le Figaro

According to data badyzed by 4,000 laboratories, young women aged 15-24 are the most affected by chlamydia infections (38% of diagnosed cases). The Ile-de-France and Guadeloupe are the most affected regions of the country by this disease, which can have serious consequences if it is not treated. When it reaches the uterus, chlamydia can increase the risk of infertility or cause ectopic pregnancies.

Gonococcal infections are twice as prevalent in men than in women. Also called gonorrhea, they are manifested by "burns, yellow discharge by the penis, bad or anus, pain in the lower belly", according to Le Figaro. As for chlamydial infections 15 to 24 year olds are the most affected

These figures are certainly lower than the reality. "These are just new diagnoses, which obviously do not take into account those who have not consulted" explains Florence Lot, head of the unit HIV-AIDS IST Public Health France, interviewed by The World . Indeed, chlamydia and gonococcal infections are often asymptomatic, especially among women.

According to Santé Publique France, this resurgence is partly explained by an underestimation of the 2012 figures and by an improvement in screening. But also by bad prevention of STIs. "The high prevalence of these infections in people under 25 is explained by a large number of partners and non-systematic use of condoms" the organization said. Some 48% of students and 20% of high school students say they do not use every bad, according to a survey of the Smerep mutual health on students cited by Le Monde .

"The condom is , with screening, the most effective way to fight against STIs " recalls Public Health France. The organization has launched a new prevention campaign on social networks, which will run until August 17. The objective: to make the condom "the indispensable accessory of everyday life" .

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