In the forest or parks, park ticks carrying Lyme disease


Beware of ticks. These tiny pet peeves can get caught in the forest, in a garden or even a park if the grbad is high enough. David Boutron, president of the badociation Spirit of the polar wolves, organizes survival courses in the forest of Châtillonnais. He takes the opportunity to do prevention around the Lyme disease, transmitted by some ticks and dangerous for the man.

The advice of David Boutron

David Boutron organizes survival training courses in the forest - Radio France
David Boutron organizes forest survival courses © Radio France
Lucas Martin-Brodzicki

Where can we catch ticks?

"Ticks can get in the forest on a hike or a trek, but not only, these animals like tall grbad, so you can find them in parks or gardens. carriers of Lyme disease. "

What precautions should be taken ?

"It is important to put on long clothes, even if it is hot, if possible in light color.A good technique is to fold his socks over the pants to prevent the tick goes up inside the If you have to lie on the ground, it is better to put tarpaulins or a light colored fabric, and there are also repellents, which can provide additional protection. "

How to spot a tick and remove it?

"You have to inspect your body as soon as you're back home, and start over again the following days." Ticks are very small, so be careful, no area should be neglected, under the arms, in the folds from the skin, to the bads and in the hair.To remove it, it is absolutely necessary to use a tick clamp, it is found everywhere.The risk with a tweezers or something else is not to tear the tick completely, it may be traumatized and not recommended. "

What to do when the first symptoms appear?

"It is necessary to inspect regularly at the site of the bite if redness appears.The other symptoms are chronic fatigue, itching, a regular and abnormal influenza … It is necessary to go immediately to his doctor who can provide the antibiotics, because screening tests are not considered reliable enough. "

Is the Lyme patient dangerous?

"I have friends who have this disease, once you're infected, it's for life, so do not hesitate in case of doubt, because it's a very disabling disease."

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