In the Headlines | Suspicious substances found in the blood of Alexia Daval


A new element is causing trouble in the case of the murder of Alexia Daval. according to The ParisianThree drug-related molecules were found in the blood and capillary samples taken from the 29-year-old banker's body.

Zolpidem (a hypnotic that can be used as a sleeping pill), tetrazepam (a muscle relaxant) and tramadol (an opioid badgesic) have been identified.

The first two molecules were discovered in small quantities. They have been prescribed occasionally to Alexia in the past, although it is necessary to go back to 2012 to find a prescription for Tetrazepam, molecule that will be banned in 2013.

Jonathann heard on Thursday

Concerning tramadol, the expert toxicologist thinks that Alexia had a repeated consumption and more particularly at the end of 2016.

These drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. They could have a connection with the troubles, "crises" or "black-out" as Alexia had described to his sister.

After returning to his confession and incriminating his in-laws, Jonathann Daval will be questioned Thursday from 10 am by an examining magistrate in Besançon,

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