In the Vaucluse, the "red scarves" are organized against the yellow vests


YELLOW VESTS – "Since the prefect and the police do not want to enforce the rule of law, the citizen movement 'scarves red' will do it himself, without violence, but with determination. This is what promises the Facebook page of "Red Scarves" created on November 26 for Internet users of the Vaucluse who oppose yellow vests. Three days after its creation, the page has 800 members.

Nearby Dauphiné released, one of its creators, John Christophe Werner, explains that the objective is to gather "the citizens who are penalized every day by the methods of the yellow vests". In the manner of his opponents on the social network, the person also relayed this call on his personal (but public) Facebook page.

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Screenshot of John Christophe Werner's call

On this page, Internet users do not hide their exasperation towards the "extremists" yellow vests and share information about road blocks observed in the region. Because that's what this group is talking about: freedom of movement. Testimonials, modes of action, jokes … There is a little bit of everything in this group which – paradoxally – resembles in its organization those of yellow vests. With the exception that no "fake news" has been shared for the time being.

"Still without violence"

"If the red scarves are coordinated, it may well be possible to unlock roundabouts, provided you intervene at the right time, obviously do not try to do it alone, always without violence, and if you feel that yellow vests could become violent, you leave, or stay back, call the police, and resume your intervention in their presence after explaining what you want to do, "warns one of the directors, in conclusion of a testimony of an attempt to unblock access to the highway.

"Let's be vigilant, be careful not to get the French people against each other, let's be smart in words and deeds," warns another, displaying a red scarf as a profile picture. While waiting to gain visibility and know what action to adopt, "red scarves" mimic yellow vests, displaying their color on their dashboard.

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Red scarves

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