India: Disembarked from a plane after a disturbing selfie – World


He posted a picture of him with the word "terrorist" on the Snapchat application: a pbadenger was disembarked from an Indian plane and interrogated by law enforcement officials for a long time, the local police reported on Tuesday.

Yogvedant P., 21, was fired on Monday from a Jet Airways Calcutta-Bombay flight before taking off from a pbadenger sitting behind him.
The latter had seen him sending from his phone a picture on Snapchat that showed him the face half covered with a handkerchief, accompanied by the words "Terrorist on board, I break the hearts of women."

Questioned "in an exhaustive way"

Landed theft, the young man was interrogated for nearly ten hours before being released without prosecution being brought against him. "We interviewed him exhaustively. We found no connection with terrorist movements. It was a message intended exclusively for his friends and which had no intention of threatening or harming anyone, "Avvaru Ravindranath, a senior Calcutta police official, told AFP.

In a statement, Jet Airways said a pbadenger had been "disembarked for security reasons". "The plane departed for its destination with a new schedule, following the required checks," she said.

India's highly competitive airline industry has been booming in recent years, driven by the emergence of a middle clbad that travels more. Air transport is growing by about 20% a year in this country of 1.25 billion people. (Afp / nxp)

Created: 27.11.2018, 09:03

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