INFO TF1 / A jogger dies drowned because of a dog without leash


MISCELLANEOUS – According to our information, a woman is in police custody, suspected of indirectly causing the death of a 20-year-old, on the evening of Tuesday, November 27, near Paris. The victim died drowned trying to escape the dog – without leash – the suspect.

– Georges Brenier

The scene is at the start of a terrible bbadity. A woman walking her dog, a young man who is jogging with some friends. Yet this scene ended in a matter of minutes in a tragic way, by a death and an arrest.

The drama was knotted Tuesday, November 27, at 22h, in Bobigny, Seine-Saint-Denis. Four young men, four friends, run along the Ourcq cbad. A ride brutally disturbed by a dog, a Malinois shepherd, who rushes on the small group by barking. One of the young men, aged 20, frightened by the animal, throws himself into the channel, whose water is now painfully higher than 8 degrees. The animal was walking without a leash, with its owner.

One of the companions of the victim was in turn thrown into the water to try to rescue his friend, without success. Only firefighters dispatched on site will succeed in doing so. When taken to hospital in cardiac arrest, the victim will not be able to be reanimated. His death will be pronounced in the night, a little after 4 o'clock in the morning.

The owner of the dog, she will finally be spotted by police officers Bobigny police station an hour after drowning, still with his animal along the cbad, obviously without worrying for a second for the fate of the victim. The suspect is Wednesday night still in custody for "manslaughter for breach of a duty of security." It theoretically risks up to three years in prison. His dog has been entrusted to a shelter.

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