Inheritance of Johnny Hallyday: New audience and new twists!


On November 13, BFMTV revealed Laura Smet and David Hallyday's new offensive against Laeticia Hallyday. The two seniors of Johnny Hallyday summarily summoned the three record companies of their father (Universal, Warner and Sony) to freeze 75% of the royalties, namely the percentage of revenues related to the sales of records paid to the artist . Since the death of the Taulier, the sales of his records, including the huge ones of the last opus My country is love who breaks all records, return to his widow Laeticia. This attack of Laura and David, prepared in all discretion, does not date from yesterday but from September.

Nathalie Baye's daughter and Sylvie Vartan's son went on the offensive after learning that Bank of America, which manages the Trust JPS Trust (for Jean-Philippe Smet), bringing together all their father's badets, had asked Los Angeles court transfer to his lap of a part of the American heritage of the rocker: royalties, Harley-Davidson motorcycles and luxury cars. It was last July.

The court of first instance in Paris, seized in summary, looks again on this huge issue on November 27, 2018, a long-awaited hearing with a lot of surprises.

Bank of America resigns

Dramatic strike of the American bank lawyer! Bank of America has decided to resign as trustee of Johnny Hallyday's legacy on November 21st. "She does not wish to be involved in any legal proceedings in France and prefers to withdraw from the contract that unites her to Laeticia HallydayBFMTV reports that this unexpected decision implies that Laeticia Hallyday's protector appoints a new trustee.

Faced with this great announcement, the lawyers Laura Smet and David Hallyday (Me Ravanas, Me Piccio and Me Douvier) but also that of Laeticia Hallyday (Me -Amir Aslani) asked for a referral to adapt their defenses. A request refused by the court which withdrew before pronouncing. A hearing will be held on January 22, 2019 in Los Angeles.

Universal, Warner and Sony ready to freeze royalties

Regarding the issue of freezing royalties, the lawyers of the three record companies pledge to accede to the request of Laura Smet and David Hallyday "if the delay is reasonable ", said Warner's representative.

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