INQUIRY FRANCE 2. A human error at the origin of the death of a child at the Gustave-Roussy Institute, the largest anti-cancer center in Europe


A big hospital pointed the finger. Doctors practicing at the cancer center Gustave Roussy, in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) denounce Thursday, July 24, in "The Eye of the 20 hours", repeated errors in chemotherapy treatments, including an overdose of drugs that led to the death of a child in May 2019.

This establishment is nevertheless one of the largest in Europe in the fight against cancer, with more than 250 researchers and 500 doctors. Thanks to advanced technologies and treatments, nearly 14,000 patients are treated every year. A hospital of excellence and the reputation without spot, until this mail of June 14 addressed to the prefect of Ile-de-France and to the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn, and that reveals "The Eye of the 20 hours ".

This text, signed by professors and cancer specialists, denounces "a series of worrying elements", "Recurrent abnormalities in the production control chain of chemotherapy delivery", "repeated mistakes leading to serious consequences".

Unfortunately, a young patient died in May 2019 from an overdose of chemotherapy.

Christophe Mbadard

responsible for therapeutic trials at the Gustave-Roussy Institute

According to the information collected by "The Eye of the 20 hours", a referencing error would be the cause of this very serious accident.

Target of all questions: the pharmacy of the Gustave-Roussy Institute. In the basement of the hospital, nearly 300 pockets of chemotherapy are prepared daily, manually or by two robots. But for two years, the service is under pressure because of staff problems and more and more patients to treat, according to management and unions.

Pharmacists and preparers all refused to be interviewed by France 2. On the other hand, two former patients testify to the problems of organization of the pharmacy. They launched a petition to demand, among other things, the strengthening of the workforce.

I saw that there were more and more patients and that it did not follow. I had this fear, I told myself 'how they do not make mistakes'.

Rosemarie Villar

former patient of the Gustave-Roussy Institute

This obsession was shared by some doctors at the institute in 2017, as revealed by many e-mails sent to management. One of these messages, which "The Eye of the 20 hours" was able to consult, reports a particular dosage error on March 3, 2017. "Alas, it's not anecdotal, we're at the third mistake for three months"regrets a doctor.

An oncologist, interviewed by France 2, believes that management has not taken the measure of the problem. "These incidents were indicators of a global organizational problem of the pharmacy that was very serious, which was not taken into account correctly by the highest levels of management", He says on condition of anonymity.

In Gustave-Roussy, the management acknowledges having been informed of all the mistakes made since 2017 and stresses that they are rare among the 90 000 annual chemotherapy treatments. An internal investigation is underway to understand the latest failure, the one that killed a child.

This is a human error that is very difficult to detect despite the control mechanisms.

Alexander Eggermont

General Director of the Gustave-Roussy Institute

Before the death, the management claims to have started the reorganization of the service, including the appointment of a new chief of pharmacy and the investment of one million euros in new machines. Result, for a month, chemotherapy would be systematically badyzed before being administered to patients.

In a statement sent after the broadcast of this topic, the Gustave-Roussy says "fully badume the pharmaceutical error causing the death" of the child. It states that "thorough internal investigation was conducted immediately after the accident, conducted in conjunction with the Regional Health Agency".

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