Institut Pasteur acquires Titan Krios, one of the most powerful microscopes in the world


Four meters high and a cost of five million euros, part of which was financed by donations: the Titan Krios microscope, built by Thermo Fisher Scientific, is a giant. And the researchers of the Institut Pasteur are delighted, they who can use it in a few weeks. A copy of this instrument was indeed inaugurated on July 12, 2018 in a new building, with armored walls, the Institute specially designed to accommodate it. It will make observations in very high resolution (tenth of a nanometer) of the most fragile samples thanks to new techniques of cryopreservation.

A Nobélisée Technique

With the Titan Krios, the living is deciphered to an unparalleled level of detail. It is possible to probe the interior of the cells to visualize its different organelles and even to detail the structure of the proteins. Scientists will also be able to characterize viruses and other pathogens that are much smaller. Krios data will advance knowledge in many areas: immunology, cell biology, bacteriology, virology, parasitology, and neuroscience.

Video of Titan Krios editing at Pennsylvania State University © youtube

The device uses a cryo-electron microscopy technique, which the three "inventors" were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2017. First of all, it consists in rapidly cooling the samples taken at -180 ° C, to preserve them in their natural environment. Then observe them, while keeping them cold, using a stream of electrons picked up by a very sophisticated direct-sensing electron camera. By combining these two methods, which also involve the integration of image processing software complexes, the badysis of isolated particles becomes possible.

Film presentation of the Titan Krios microscope realized in 2015 for fundraising in order to its acquisition. Credit: Institut Pasteur.

In addition, Krios is fully automated and can process up to twelve samples at the same time. With its acquisition, the Pasteur Institute holds one of the largest and most powerful microscopes available on the market and located in the city. The body will soon receive " two other microscopes from the same company " says Dorit Hanein, researcher in bioinformatics and structural biology, who oversaw the installation of the microscope. " We aim to become a European Reference Center in High Resolution Electron Microscopy "she concludes.

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