"It takes a lot of people in the street Saturday," Philippe Martinez responds


franceinfo, published on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 12:22 pm

"We must demand more and more numerous a significant revaluation of Smic," said Philippe Martinez on franceinfo Wednesday, November 28. The general secretary of the CGT reacted to the remarks of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, who had just announced on BFMTV-RMC that there would be a "legal revaluation" of the minimum wage on January 1, but no extra boost .

Saturday demonstrations

"It takes a lot of people in the street Saturday," also said the head of the CGT, which calls to demonstrate on December 1, a calendar that could coincide with that of "yellow vests". "This is a date we had planned for a long time around issues of precariousness and unemployment, but more generally on the social emergency.

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