Jackie Chan "Homophobic": His daughter married his girlfriend


Love always triumphs, and that's what we need to remember from the terrible story of Etta Ng. The only superstar daughter Jackie Chan and Elaine Ng, Etta (19) married her girlfriend Andi Autumn. A union that should have made his parents happy. But there is a good chance that his illustrious father did not even send him a congratulatory message.

Last April, Etta posted a YouTube video with a call for help desperate. The young woman, born from the Chinese actor's brief affair with her ex-mistress Elaine, explained that she was homeless and that she was sleeping.under a bridgewith her partner Andi Autumn (age 30.) And according to her, the reason for that was all: Etta claims to be a victim of homophobia, she who had made her coming out in october 2017. "Hi, I'm Jackie Chan's daughter and here's my girlfriend Andi. We have been homeless for a month because of our homophobic parents. We sleep most of the time under a bridge and elsewhere", she confided, facing the camera.

Abused as children

This Monday, November 26, 2018, it is a very different Etta Ng who revealed to the whole world that she had just married her companion. "United by love and by law", writes the bride in caption of a photo where she waved the wedding certificate while kissing her darling and now wife."If you do not give up love and put in your heart the family you dream of, an open and warm spirit will guide you to happiness. "she writes. "Abused as children who have never felt love, we had so much to give", continues Etta, referring to her father and the context in which she was born.

Words for Jackie Chan, she still has some. "We overcame our fears, accepted our mistakes and now we understand that people who hurt continue to hurt. We have all been hurt, but if you can dream of love, you can find it"wrote Etta, who decided to get married on November 8th in Andi Autumn's home country, Canada.

If Jackie Chan had not spoken on the coming out of his daughter or the video that he accused of homophobia, the mother of Etta had expressed on the subject by formally denying the accusations of his daughter. She even claimed that the couple only relied on the celebrity star to get money.

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