Jacline Mouraud files a complaint for threat and defamation after anonymous letters


Jacline Mouraud, unofficial spokesperson for the yellow vests movement, became famous thanks to a viral attack on Facebook. – screenshot

Victim of his own success ? Jacline Mouraud, figure of "yellow vests" especially on Facebook, has filed a complaint for threat and defamation after receiving two letters "anonymous and threatening" in his mailbox, confirmed Tuesday the prosecutor of the Republic of Vannes, confirming a
Franceinfo information.

The complaint was filed Monday at the gendarmerie Guer (Morbihan). The 51-year-old Briton, who made a viral video on Facebook on October 18 denouncing the "hunt for motorists", became one of the figures of the movement of "yellow vests" claims to have received two letters of threats by Postal route.

Threat and defamation

"We have received a complaint for threat and defamation, the investigation just begins," said the prosecutor Vannes, François Touron. "We are going to look at the videos and the letters that she denounces to see if there are any criminally objectionable elements in the sense that the law means, and try to identify the perpetrators," he added.

Jacline Mouraud has also filed a complaint against the authors of videos posted on YouTube who "defame", according to her. Among the excerpts quoted in the media figure "one day, you pay for all your bullshit", or "You make us shit with your" yellow vests "" and "Jacline at the stake".

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