Jawad Bendaoud completely breaks his appeal lawsuit


JUSTICE – At the appeal hearing of Jawad Bendaoud this Wednesday, November 28 in Paris, the tension has gone up to impose a suspension of hearing. According to our journalist on the spot, several times, the president of the court called to order the "landlord" of the jihadists of November 13, 2015 relaxed at first instance. "For the fourth time, I wish I could finish my sentences before you answer," he warns. Next to Jawad Bendaoud, his lawyer Nogueras gives him "chuuuut" to calm him down.

But the tone particularly mounted after three hours of hearing. Confronted with the statements of several witnesses, which he denies the truth, Jawad Bendaoud, red tracksuit, rectangular glbades and hair styled with frost, enrage: "The head of my son, I have nothing to lose the judge! Do not be a liar, I'm not a liar, you've been saying things, I'm not saying anything, but be careful, at a certain point, it's going to puncture the judge! "

At the microphone, in front of the judges, Jawad Bendaoud raises the tone, moves more and more. His lawyer gets up to calm him down, holds his arm. The speech of Jawad Bendaoud no longer sticks to the record of 13-November. "Put me six years, you think you're going to scare me, that's what I do with RSA!", He says, spitting twice on his desk.

At the microphone, #Jawad Bendaoud spits on the desk: "That's what I do with RSA, here! He cries, red with rage. The police surround him. "What do you want both of you here? They throw at them.

– The HuffPost (@LeHuffPost) November 28, 2018

In tears, the red face

From the back of the room, several policemen approached. "What do you want both of you here?" he shouted at them. His lawyer holds his face, asks him again to calm down, before sitting on the bench.

We can still hear Jawad Bendaoud, crying and red-faced, shouting: "My mother, the queen of whores, if I'm lying, I'm fine or not, they can do 45,000 articles, I have not harbored terrorists!"

The lawyer #Jawad sat him down on his bench to calm him down. He continues to shout, "They can do 45,000 items I do not care, I have not hosted terrorists." #Jawad is accompanied by his lawyer and the police towards the exit. Suspended audience 10 minutes

– The HuffPost (@LeHuffPost) November 28, 2018

He is finally escorted by his lawyer and the police outside the room. After ten minutes of suspension, his questioning resumed. The quavering voice, Jawad Bendaoud answers questions again, wiping tears on her cheeks.

Jawad Bendaoud, tried for "concealment of terrorist criminals", appears free, unlike his trial trial, during which he had never pissed off so violently. The appeal process started on November 21, but this hearing day is the first of its kind

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