Jean-Louis learned his HIV status at 52


franceinfo, published on Tuesday November 27, 2018 at 7:25 am

AIDS continues to hit, with 6,000 new people discovering their infection each year in France. Among them, 20% concern over 50 years, or 1,200 contaminations, according to a survey of Public Health France.

Jean-Louis Lecouffe discovered his HIV status at 52 years old. This man had two lives: the first, with a woman and four children, a senior position. And a second life began after his divorce. At age 50 begins for him a homobadual life.

No "risk dimension"

"I was looking for bad fast because of my age, the biological clock is turning around, you have to hurry to live," he says, "I had relationships that were unprotected. a generation that has had bad

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